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Acting jobs in Lagos

Become an actor!
Pursue your acting career with our acting classes and voice over training that get you acting jobs. 

acting classes in Lagos

Acting classes

Are you trying to get your break into Nollywood? Need to prepare for a big film role? Need to impress the director? Got a big audition coming? Not sure you can pull it off? Let me help you achieve your goal.

Discover The New Actor In You

Acting coach


Ronya Man Arts RMA is a production and consultation company in the art industry.


Ronya Man Arts was established to celebrate the creative arts in Nigeria by Nigerian-based Israeli creative arts specialist, Ronya Man.


RMA is involved in directing, producing, and casting for films and stage performances, training, and workshops as well as talent grooming and management.


The goal of the organizations is to inspire thespians into growing personally and professionally and fuel young artists to pursue their dreams.

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To know more about Ronya, click here for her personal website.

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